"Plantimals" by Robert Stevenson
Take a stroll through a layered garden of Plant/animal creatures who tell stories that rhyme and recite logical nonsense from a living alphabet. Each page tells it's own story, yet everything grows and morphs into each other to be captured into a delicately balanced
Publishers Weekly review: Describing 12 chimeric animal-plant creatures in as many cryptic rhymes (“From speck to sprout to fern feathered fuzz/ it is what it is... is it also what it was?”), graphic artist Stevenson offers a Kickstarter-funded, nightmare-fueling picture book poised to simultaneously delight and baffle readers. Hand-lettered typography wends down through underground passageways into a psychedelic, somewhat grotesque world containing “meteor meat fungus,” a “coral reek,” and a canine with a coat of bark (“Does a hound tree make a sound if there’s no one around?”). Employing a dizzyingly intricate, pop surrealist style, Stevenson creates grim black-and-white illustrations that may appeal more to adults than children. Though each poem tends toward the nonsensical (“The stem veins reach wrap/ Living rocks/ It walks the talk in earthly socks”), cryptozoology enthusiasts may appreciate this imaginative book.
7.75" x 9.5", 24 pages. $20
B w embossed cover with b w interior. Hardcover!
*each book comes signed & doodled in, with a sticker*