I Am Algonquin: An Algonquin Quest Novel is a young adult novel written by first-time author Rick Revelle, a member of the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation. After years of research which is evident from his bibliography, the author paints a fast-paced and action-packed picture of the Algonquin people during the fourteenth century. Located in the Ottawa Valley this Algonquin band of about sixty members deals with day to day survival issues while maintaining their alliances with the Nippissing, Huron (Wendat/Ouendat), and Omàmiwinini (Algonquin) against the Five Nations Iroquois. Told mainly as a first-person narrative from the perspective of Mahingan, the youthful married warrior, the story revolves around the seasonal round of activities. Details about the young men's hunting activities become part of the action as they pursue a moose that means food and clothing as well as tools for their family's needs. Chapters are brief and will hold the interest of teen, male readers who will find the cliff-hangers at each chapter's end enticing. Respectful of the female characters, the author has included two young women warriors to the storyline. The use of Algonquin names and terms are used throughout the story and there is a glossary and pronunciation guide provided. An ideal novel for reluctant readers.