As we celebrate Dolphin week here at ZOX, and the amazing organization these designs helps support (Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium), I couldn't help but reflect on my favorite characteristic of dolphins all together - their free spirits.
Of all marine wildlife, dolphins are known to be one of the most free-spirited and playful animals in the sea. They also tend to live a lot longer than most other creatures in the water as well, with some species living up to 40 years!
The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't help but feel these two things were interconnected - that a long life is the result of feeling free - of living with joy and purpose while never forgetting to have fun.
So that's my hope for you with this beautiful reminder - that it helps you take things a little less seriously so you can live longer and have more fun doing it.
Big Hugs!
We will be donating a portion of our proceeds for every design sold on our site from our Dolphin Collection to Mote, a wonderful organization that's leading the way in marine research and conservation.